How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board


How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board

Many people dream of redecorating their homes’ interior designs to their liking. Mood boards help you test out various ideas that would suit you better while fulfilling your living space requirements. It will also help you make relevant purchases for your projects.

Professional interior designers regularly use mood boards for all their projects. Similarly, you can use them during your DIY decoration projects for effective delivery of designs. You only need to know how to create the perfect mood boards that will ease your decision-making.

Steps on how to make an interior design mood board

  1. Choose your mood board style
  2. Collect images
  3. Remove the backgrounds
  4. Insert the non-negotiable elements
  5. Experiment with various options.
  6. Use the mood board to make final decisions.

Choose your mood board style

Mood boards come in two designs. The physical mood board allows you to create tangible items. It uses physical elements like paint chips and fabric designs to give you a firsthand experience of the colors and textures before making any decisions. Your decisions will be informative and precise because you interact with all design elements.

On the other hand, a digital mood board gives you various interior design ideas and possibilities because you can use many images available online. Therefore, choose the appropriate method that inspires you to create your mood board.

Collect images

Every person has their style preferences. Therefore, gather images that represent your preferred interior design style. The pictures can consist of other living spaces and house accessories with similar designs as your chosen style.

Broaden your inspiration sources by exploring sites like Pinterest, magazines, and already available furniture or items in your house. Be realistic to ensure that you can afford the things you put on the mood board. In addition, being practical helps you come up with house items that fit your living space and budget.

Remove the backgrounds

Most images come with a background color or shadow that you might not intend to use. Once you download your pictures into the computer or any other device, trim away any additional backgrounds. It will help you in creating a mockup-style mood board that represents your interior design preference.

Various applications come with practical trimming tools that you can use to your liking. For instance, Photoshop has a lasso and magnetic lasso tool that helps to highlight and trim off these backgrounds quickly. Carefully use these trimming tools to avoid cutting off pieces of the product and make your mood board unrealistic.

Insert the non-negotiable elements

Before examining your design possibilities, you need to add images of things that won’t change in your redecoration project. Authentic wall tones and floor moldings will come in handy at this stage. They will allow you to determine actual colors when composing your mood board.


Pictures of furniture and other elements that will remain unchanged will also help when recreating a collage-style mood board. Make sure these elements collaborate with new design features to avoid design noise and clutter in your mood board.

Experiment with various options.

You have a cluster of images that you intend to use on your mood board. Insert your favorite ones for each element in your living space to see how they combine to achieve the desired design. It will ensure that the colors and patterns you use will work well together for an eclectic interior design.

Swap in various options to have all your main pieces in the mood board. They will help you see if your design preference is on point. For instance, you might bring in a lighting option that does not fit well with other house accessories. Therefore, the mood board will give you a clue of what type of lighting to use in the interior design of your house.

Use the mood board to make final decisions.

It’s finally time to make actual item purchases after organizing the mood board to your liking. Your design will be effective if the ideas in your mood board are relevant and realistic. Therefore, ensure you use the design elements appropriately and on the correct scale.

The mood board will be your guide when making item purchases. Use it as the ultimate reference point to shop for furnishings, materials, and other design elements to install in your home’s interior design. Similarly, use the mood board when fitting these items into their respective areas of your rooms. You will find out that creating your dream interior design is not overwhelming when you have a well-laid and solid plan.

In conclusion, mood boards are the best ways to collect inspirations, explore ideas, and create a tone for our interior design decoration or redecoration project. At the Kenya College of interior design, we ensure that you understand the fundamentals of using mood boards and other crucial decorative design aspects. You can enroll in our vats interior design courses to become a prominent interior design in Kenya. 

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